Lux Nigrum, a one-man musical project intending to manifest “chaotic sounds” in the form of Black Metal, was initiated by Azerate in 2014. Lux Nigrum had been an international project in the beginning; it is currently based in Santiago, Chile. Its concept of creation is under the influence of Current 218 and Anti-Cosmic Satanism profoundly. In its early works, such as its two physical (cassette tape)/digital demos “Primordial Chaos” and “Chaos Ritual,” the main idea is obviously inspired by Liber Azerate, the grimoire of Misanthropic Luciferian Order (which is renamed to Temple of Black Light later on), and Chaos Magick. After materializing “Primordial Chaos” into cassette (around 150 copies), Lux Nigrum released the first EP “Burning the Eternal Return” this year, which could be consider a decisive work in its musical presentation.
TGW: Hails Azerate! We appreciate that you give us the chance for having the interview with Lux Nigrum. From the information we have gotten, you formed Lux Nigrum in 2014. The earlier base of your activities was in Mexico and then it was moved to Santiago, Chile, later on. First of all, we would like to know what made you decide to start Lux Nigrum. Can you talk about it?
Azerate: Salve! Thanks for your support to this manifestation. Well that information is kind of wrong, I formed Lux Nigrum during 2014/2015 in Chile and at that time Á'gîshnümünääb Svtēkh Öyrábörá (Mexico) was the Drummer, also he did the Cover Art for the first two releases. I actually started Lux Nigrum during those years because I wanted to make Black Metal with a serious philosophy on the mystic arts, I was absolutely inspired by the Anti-Cosmic Current and Chaos Magick, with a lot of initial practice and study, I decided this was the path I needed for my existence. All the work with Lux Nigrum is devotional and it's given as an offering to the Eleven Dark Gods.
Salve, Salve, Salve Azerate!
TGW: Since the information showed Lux Nigrum was in Mexico, now in Chile, please talk about the early time of Lux Nigrum in Mexico and current status in Santiago.
Azerate: Like I said before, Lux Nigrum was formed in Chile and I had the support of A.S.O. who lives in Mexico, on the first year you could say that Lux Nigrum was an “International” project.
TGW: Can you also briefly introduce the Black Metal scene in Chile nowadays, especially in Santiago, to our reader according to your own perspective?
Azerate: It’s complicated to be honest, when I listen to Black Metal I always go for the lyrics first, this aspect is very important, as you’ll know there’s a shitload of bands singing about being “Satanic”, “Obscure” and even “Evil”, they just abuse of these concepts to gain some recognition in their own scene, I consider that mediocre and ridiculous, on the other hand there are some assholes that think because they read a few grimoires or some translated books they are the masters of the Occult, “the true initated ones” acting like a “mafia”. On the musical aspect there are a some bestial bands, I recommend: Goatoimpurity, Horns, Cold, Häleksem and Lvxcælis.
TGW: You have mentioned the influence of Current 218 and Chaos Magick to Lux Nigrum. The name Lux Nigrum as such could be related to Temple of Black Light directly. The very first demo was named after their basic theory. The cover of “Chaos Ritual” seems to take from the signs in Liber Azerate. Do you actually dig in the theory and the publications of Temple of Black Light? Do you have or develop your own philosophy while engaging in the works of Lux Nigrum? Please simply elaborate about it.
Azerate: The cover of “Chaos Ritual” is the sigil of Lux Nigrum and it was especially materialized by Á'gîshnümünääb Svtēkh Öyrábörá a few years ago. And yes, I have practiced and studied the sacred text of Liber Azerate alongside a few ones of the Current, since I started my path with Chaos Magick I always feel influenced to take what I need on certain doctrines but when I studied all the ideology and true meaning of the Current 218 I’ve been devoted to these beliefs. My spiritual and philosophical point of view combinates with the Current 218 and what I see, hear and understand of this sacrificial existence...Sacrifice yourself, dissolve your ego to transcend this illusion that YHWH has given us with life, destroy all the cosmic illusion and desire that binds you to this plane.
TGW: Speaking of Current 218, we may think of Jon Nödtveidt and his Dissection. Lux Nigrum, however, manifests a different musical presentation comparing to Dissection. Lux Nigrum plays in a rawer and shorter way. Would you like talk about the music presentation and style you choose? Who or which band do you think that brings you illumination?
Azerate: Lux Nigrum manifests it’s blackened opus for those who can actually hear beyond all Musick/Noise, for those who can “read between the lines”, so if the musick is fast and savage or even meditative it’s just a coincidence in this case, I manifest what comes during the composition process, which is pure chaos transfigured as musick, a manifestation of the Wrathful Chaos. Improvements will be recognized on the upcoming works…To be honest I always come back to “Reinkaos” by Dissection, I think it’s an amazing opus, the concept, a precise artwork, lyrics… totally devoted and is inspiring to me as an adept of this sacred doctrine. Also I reach this sensation of illumination and inspiration mostly on my personal devotional rites, meditation, abstract thinking and study of the LHP and The Nightside.
TGW: Lux Nigrum released the first EP “Burning the Eternal Return” this year. In a sense, it is a more mature work no matter its composition or organization. Please tell us the concept you filled in the EP and how you achieved the improvement while producing it.
Azerate: Burning The Eternal Return is a conceptual EP about the dissolution of the Ouroboros through the practice of the sacrifice of your ego, so you can “destroy” everything that ties you to this ilussion and get closer to a transcendental state of consciousness… and with this stop the eternal and bane circle of life/death, empowering and glorifying the Inner Black Flame to leave this mundane cosmic creation. I composed the musick and wrote lyrics/concept during 2018 E.V. it took at least three months to set everything, first I composed/recorded (demos) the Guitars, then the Lyrics, but the problem was that I needed a Drummer and couldn’t work with anyone in my town, so I contacted Holycaust from bands like Morbid Holocaust, Beast of Hades, etc and he did an exceptional work on Drums, it just took a few weeks, once I got the Drum tracks I went to Danilo Vergara’s Home Studio to record Guitars, Bass and Vocals. Danilo produced, recorded and mixed the whole EP, he did an outstanding work too. I’m grateful for his support to Lux Nigrum. So Burning The Eternal Return was already mixed, then we talked to Michel Leroy from Thanatoloop to do the mastering and under the supervision of DV the EP was finished. We recorded a lot of different Guitars, Bass and Vocals tracks so we could obtain the best sections for each song.
TGW: About the lyrics of Lux Nigrum, I have read the lyrics that provided on bandcamp. All of them are related to and glorifies the occult principles of Temple of Black Light—primordial chaos and anti-cosmic gods. Besides concentrating on these main themes continuously, do you have the plan to discuss or illustrate other issues or ideas?
Azerate: Lux Nigrum is mainly focused on the Anti-Cosmic Current and it’s teachings, but as I said before I take this methods and express them through my own perspective on existence. Complete lyrics and details for each release are available on the physical editions (Cassettes/CDs). I will continue this devotional work with Lux Nigrum around my philosophical and spiritual thoughts on the Current 218.
TGW: There are actually session drummers to support Lux Nigrum. Except the drummers, do you have any other session staff while producing the two demos and the EP? How do you collaborate with your staff normally?
Azerate: I take care of every aspect on LN, musick/texts, concepts, etc. Except on BTER, because I received the technical support of DV on the recording process, he produced the sound of the EP with me, this is also his work. Salve!
TGW: Since the year you formed Lux Nigrum, have you ever arranged any tour or gig in Chile or in other country so far?
Azerate: No, I’ve been invited to evocate live but I think it’s better play on certain special dates. Soon you will see Lux Nigrum live… the debut ceremony is imminent.
TGW: We notice that you used to have a Raw Black Metal band “Nocturnal Fire” during 2013 and 2014. Would you like talk about it? Besides that, do you involve any other musical project currently?
Azerate: Yes! Nocturnal Fire was my first BM project more focused on ZOS-KIA and Chaos Magick, it wasn’t actually Black Metal “music” it was improvisation with no structure to be called “music”. Besides Lux Nigrum, I have a Harsh Noise project: “De-Sartre”, not spiritual focused but based on criticism on our actual society, the “cosmic tyranny” it’s not just a spiritual aspect, we can see it and feel it every day.
TGW: For Lux Nigrum, do you have any further plan in the coming future? Like prepare a full-length album and so on.
Azerate: Right now I’m waiting for the release of two editions:
Burning The Eternal Return Cassette Tape Edition by SMB/Herejia Prods (Chile) Limited to 200 copies.
Burning The Eternal Return CD PRO Edition by Azermedoth Records (Mexico) Limited to 500 copies.
I’m composing some new manifestations for the first LP of Lux Nigrum, expect nothing but pure musickal devastation and acasual chants for the Nightside.
TGW: Thanks for spending your time to answer our questions in the interview. Grateful to have this opportunity and we would like to hear about your new releases coming soon!
Azerate: Praise The Inner Black Flame!
Salve Azerate!
Salve XI!
Contact: matí
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